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Welcome to the video rental site of The International Focusing Institute!

Your monthly subscription will allow you to watch all of the videos as often as you like during the month. 

Awakening Eros Restoring The Body’s Untrammeled Spirit With Wholebody Focusing - Glenn Fleisch

There is a deep yearning within us, a vague sense of something lost, missing, that impels our search to regain the full range of feelings, energies, and desires that are natural to our bodily being in the world.

Now As A Window Into More - Donata Schoeller

How do we open up again and again to the richness, depth and specificity of our experiencing? How do we integrate the "more“ - which we know in tacit and experiential ways - in what we say and do? How do we bring it into the world? 

Focusing on Ideas: A Creative Adventure - Lynn Preston

One of Gendlin's most important contributions is the shedding of new light on the process of creative thinking. Focusing, not only brings us into creative contact with our personal life issues, but also opens us up to new ways of experiencing the life-giving world of ideas, concepts and projects.

Responding With Focusing Invitations - Jim Iberg

As Gene Gendlin said decades ago, Focusing does not belong to the therapist but “you find it inside you and then it’s yours.” Over his 44 years of listening to people in psychotherapy, Jim has observed that when Focusing happens, it always seems to help, relieve, and inspire the person speaking.

Why Focusing and Non-Violent Communication Belong Together - Beatrice Blake


Sunday at 12:00 ET

Find Your Voice - Marcella Calabi

Wouldn’t it be great if you could be more confident, present and strong in your interactions with other people – and still be gracious and humane?

Children Focusing: Tales From the Inside - Laura Bavalics

One of the biggest gifts that you can give to a child is the art of listening.  Through stories, drawings and experiential exercises, Laura will guide you to listen to your inner child and to the children around you.

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